Michael Crawley is a Leadership, Collaboration, Innovation and Project/Program/Portfolio/ Product Development & Management Professional (PMP), Agile/Scrum Master as well as Six Sigma/Lean Six Sigma Black Belt who is expert in facilitating multi-tiered, Disruptive Leadership, R&D, Product Development, Innovation, Engineering, QA/QC, Decision Support Systems, Predictive Analytics, InfoSEC, Social, Mobile Transformation Strategy via a hybrid top-down/bottom-up C-Level executives, entrepreneurs and their team members in order to improve conversions and client satisfaction globally. He also heavily specializes in the areas of: process design, road map planning, corporate measures, data warehousing, BI/BA, enterprise architecture, financial & report management, mobility, portal development, IT governance tools and technology as well as project/program/portfolio and systems management.

PMO-Project Management Office

Project Builder – Create Project Charter
Create your project using project builder ! You can set Project Timeline, Budget, Requirement/Scope or even Project Manager?

Project Baselining
Baseling project scope, time and cost is vital for project tracking and monitoring. With Agile Social Learning Baseline PMO Dashboard you can easily tracking your baseline and versions.
Work Breakdown Structure
Creating Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a large project is always challenging and time consuming.
The AgileSocialLearning360 team has made your life so easy.
Just as you use excel enter lists, use the same user experience to create a WBS in Baseline PMO Software

Personal Kanban Board
Effectively Manage To Do List, In Progress and Completed Task in One Click. Kanban boards visually depict work at various stages of a process using cards to represent work items and columns to represent each stage of the process.

Kanban Board - Drag and Drop Task Update Easily !
Manage your Agile Kanban board and update your task very easily with Drag and Drop features.
Now Tracking tasks is very easy.

It’s entire risk management suite including creating risk parameter (Severe, High, Moderate, Low), impact scoring, probably and impact scoring and AI based risk escalation method.

Integrated Change Management
You can create change control board, create change request and assign to CCB, do real time review of the CCB decisions and keep records of all changes real time.


PMO Cloud-based, (AI)
Ground breaking Cloud-based, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Project Management Office dashboard to view entire organizations overview in single shot.

Auto WBS Creation
Alie Will create your WBS ! Yes use the ready templates to create your project WBS and save your valuable time.

Lessons Learned Register
Create your lessons learned database for milestones, sprint or entire projects. One of the most important exercise of PM.
Document Management
Integrate with Google Drive and upload your unlimited project files. Also, manage user access of the documents as well.